Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Schools and British Jerusalem -by Hyim

Today we dropped Hava off for her first day at Israeli school. Evelina DeRothchild a religious school named for the first Jewish woman to sit in the British Parliament. There is something quaint about the hidden English underpinnings (site names, places formally exotic consulate locations, crumbling railroad depots, etc.) of Jerusalem left from the British days. In my private fantasy a hidden genteel side to the sand of the desert, the ever present security, the cold stone walls and floors, and the Middle East culture and language so far from our English speaking life.

Evelina has been a pleasure to experience. The principal a man who, though thoroughly Israeli, was the principal of a day school in Palo Alto, his secretary who's daughter lives in Riverdale, and Hava's Michanechet (teacher/educational overseer) Chagit, who possesses the constant smile of the religious Israeli female educator, and who engenders within me the feeling she desires nothing more so than educating my child well. I am excited for Hava, and the ease that I think such transition will be for a person so young.

For Ben and Yonah, we are still negotiating and searching. A stressful task to convince schools that they will be able to handle 6 months in Israeli school and that though no one seems to have room, they should admit us. I'm sure it will all be resolved soon.

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