Thursday, February 25, 2010

Adar Update

It is hard to believe that two months have already passed. Our life continues here, filled with wonders, sometimes the mundane and always surprises,

The kids are settling into school, not really liking,, but settling in. They still don’t understand much, but I do see their Hebrew improving, even if they can’t see it in themselves. Today as I drove them to school Hava and I were talking about how amazing it is to just drive and walk around as so many people are walking home from shul with their tallit and tefillin, we even saw someone davening as he walked down the street. We love that being Jewish is so normal here - the boys now don’t reach for a baseball cap, but where their Kippot all the time as the “normal” experience.

Hava had a play date with a friend from school -she is really enjoying school and all her new friends, although she misses her old friends. The mom took her home from school, but I had to pick her up in a new neighborhood at night. The parents, who spoke minimal English, gave me directions. No surprise, I got lost. As I pull over to the side to figure out where I am, a guy comes up behind me and starts honking his horn.(even though there was plenty of room to go around me, I guess he didn’t want to) For anyone that has spent time in Israel, you know that Israelis love their horns! They are always honking – my kids are continually encouraging me to use my horn more. So, when this man started honking, I just honked right back at him. We had a few minutes of our honking contest, and then I realized I was lost, it was night, it was dark and I needed help with directions. So, I rolled down my window and asked the honking man for directions. He very pleasantly helped me out and gave me great directions. Got to love Israelis!!!

It is Purim here – It is so much fun to be here for Purim and all the preparations. Now Purim isn’t actually till next week, but for the past 2 weeks it has been a Purim frenzy. Not realizing this, I happen to go to the mall – it was like being at the mall in America between Thanksgiving and Christmas – usually I will do anything to avoid this.. We had to pick up something at the toy store and there were costumes everywhere – more than I have ever noticed at Halloween. The place was mobbed. We had to wait in line for 20 minutes at a place that normally is very quick. As I waited in line, I watch the Dati (religious) teenage girl, show her mom the sexy Santa helper outfit that she wanted to wear for Purim. Oy! Meanwhile, I think we are still working on our costumes and what we will be doing for Purim. The big decision is do we leave Jerusalem to celebrate 2 days of Purim(the first on regular Purim, and the 2nd in Jerusalem on Shushan Purim) it is tempting, but not sure about hearing Megillah 4x’s. I will try and write more after Purim.

Last week we took a tiyul(trip) down south. We had a great time hiking in the Maktesh (naturally formed craters)and collecting colored sand. We then drove down to Eilat. The desert is beautiful – parts do remind me of Arizona. We loved Eilat. Who can complain about a resort town with kosher food? I think the kid’s favorite was the Burger Ranch in the middle of the pool. Everyone loved snorkeling once they got the hang of it. One funny story to share - We went to the Society for the Protection of Nature to find out about hikes in Eilat. They are a great resource, but I know Israelis sense of what is a reasonable hike for a child is very different then an Americans. So, after our very helpful staff person, recommended the Har Horash Hike, I said is this one ok for kids? She said we take groups of 4 year-olds on this hike, it is very easy. We loved the hike, it was beautiful. Of course, as we were climbing straight down the mountain with metal handles sunk into the stone for us to hold on to and watching the sheer cliff on the side, we had a lot of laughs about the groups of 4 year-olds that had taken the hike previously. Knowing Israelis, they might have. Let’s just say, I was glad we didn’t have a four year old with us.

I hope to write more soon. We also love hearing from you. Please email and let us know how life is going in the states.


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